Talks/Presentations (National/International)
58. Rhodium catalysis: Novel Reactivity Studies in Organic Synthesis
February 6, 2020, Department of Chemistry
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, GUWAHATI-781039, INDIA
57. Rh-Catalyzed Reactivity Studies in Organic Synthesis
September 13-14, 2019, Organic Chemistry Symposium (OCS 2019)
Co-organized by IIT Kanpur & IISER Bhopal
Hyatt Regency, LUCKNOW, INDIA
56. Functional group Manoeuvring for the Concise Synthesis of
Benzofuran Based Natural Products
March 5, 2019, Catalysis & Fine Chemicals Division,
Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (IICT), HYDERABAD, INDIA
55. Novel Synthesis of Benzofuran Based Natural Products
February 8-10, 2019, Organic Molecules as Synthons and Reagents for Innovation (OMSRI),
Department of Chemistry, IIT Roorkee, ROORKEE, INDIA
54. Benzofuran Based Natural Products: An Organometallic way for a Pooled Organic Synthesis
Dec 20, 2018, Department of Organic Chemistry
Indian Institute of Science, BENGALURU, INDIA
53. An Organometallic Concise Synthesis of Benzofuran Based Natural Products
November, 17-18, 2018, National Symposium on Emerging Trends in Chemical Sciences
(NSETCS-2018), Department of Chemistry, Banaras Hindu University, VARANASI, INDIA
52. Green Sustainable Chemistry and Synthetic Applications
Nov. 2-3, 2018, National Conference on Advances in Chemical Sciences (NCACS-2018)
51. Green Chemistry and Applications
June 11, 2018, Faculty Development Program
JSS Academy of Technical Education, NOIDA, INDIA
50. New Generation Cross-coupling Reactions
Jan 12, 2018, Advances in Catalysis, IIT Kanpur, KANPUR, INDIA
49. Functional Group Manoeuvring for Tuning Stability and Reactivity
18-19December, 2017, 8th International Collaborative & Cooperative Chemistry Symposium (ICCCS-8)
School Of Chemistry, University Of Hyderabad, HYDERABAD, INDIA
48. Concise Synthetic Strategies for Benzofuran Based Natural Products
August 24-27, 2017, XVIII Organic Chemistry Conference
47. Benzofuran Based Natural Products: Organometallic way for a pooled Organic Synthesis
July 24, 2017; Department Of Chemistry
46. Novel and Concise Synthetic Strategies for Benzofuran Based Natural Products
December 16, 2016, 7th International Collaborative & Cooperative Chemistry Symposium
(ICCCS-7), Peking University, CHINA
45. Synthesis of medicinally important molecular scaffolds with novel strategies,
7-9November, 2016, A.P. Science Congress-2016
P.B. Siddhartha Arts & Sciences College, VIJAYAWADA, INDIA
44. Novel synthetic strategies for medicinally important molecular scaffolds
18th of November, 2016, IISER Tirupati, TIRUPATI, INDIA
43. New Generation Cross-coupling Reactions using Triarylbismuth Reagents in Organic synthesis
March 19-20, 2016; Andhra Pradesh Akademi of Sciences Induction Ceremony
Acharya Nagarjuna University, Nagarjunanagar, GUNTUR, INDIA
42. New Avenues in Cross-coupling Chemistry
Dec 28-30, 2015; Annual Convention of Chemists and International Conference on Recent Advances in
Chemical Sciences
41. Green Chemistry and Cross-coupling Reactions: New Directions
Dec 16-17, 2015; Third Annual International Conference & Industry-CCRS Congress (ICC) 2015
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, SRIKAKULAM, INDIA
40. Palladium-catalyzed Threefold Cross-coupling Reactivity of Triarylbismuth Reagents in Organic Synthesis
Oct 6, 2014; Tokyo University
Tokyo, JAPAN
39. Palladium-catalyzed Threefold Coupling Reactivity of Triarylbismuth Reagents
Oct 3, 2014; Tsukuba University
Tsukuba, JAPAN
38. Palladium-catalyzed Threefold Coupling Reactivity of Triarylbismuth Reagents
Oct 2, 2014; National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
Tsukuba, JAPAN
37. New Generation Threefold Cross-Coupling Reactions
ICCCS-5, Sept 29-Oct 1, 2014
Kyoto University, Kyoto, JAPAN
36. New Generation Cross-coupling Reactions
Aug 22, 2014, Department of Chemistry
35. New Generation Cross-coupling Reactions
Catalysis and Catalyzed Reactions, March 28, 2014, Department of Chemistry
Madurai Kamaraj University, MADURAI, INDIA
34. Green Chemistry
DST - INSPIRE CAMP, Jan 11, 2014, Department of Chemistry
HNB Garhwal University, SRINAGAR (Garhwal) Uttarakhand, INDIA
33. Triarylbismuths as Threefold Arylating Reagents: New Generation Cross-coupling Reactions
Oct 22, 2013, Department of Chemistry
University of Delhi, DELHI, INDIA
32. New Generation Cross-coupling Reactions
National symposium on frontiers in organic chemistry-2013 (NSFOC-13)
Oct 10-12, 2013, School of chemistry
University of Hyderabad, HYDERABAD, INDIA
31. New Generation Cross-coupling Reactions for Organic Synthesis
International Conference on Emerging Trends in Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
June 28-30, 2013, Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Technology, ANANTAPUR, INDIA
30. New Generation Cross-coupling Reactions
April 26, 2013, School of Chemistry
University of Hyderabad, HYDERABAD, INDIA
29. New Generation Cross-coupling Reactions
Catalyst 2013, Jan 9-10, 2013
Dr. Reddy’s Chemistry Conclave, HYDERABAD, INDIA
28. New Generation Palladium-Catalyzed Cross-coupling Reactions: Triarylbismuths as Threefold Arylating
Organometallic Reagents for Organic Synthesis
13th Tetrahedron Symposium (Asia), 27th - 30th November 2012
Howard Civil International Centre, TAIWAN
27. New Generation Cross-Coupling Reactions
ICCCS-3, Oct 31-Nov 1, 2012
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, P. R. CHINA
26. Green Chemistry
DST - INSPIRE CAMP, May 9, 2012
International Institute of Information Technology, PUNE, INDIA
25. New Generation Palladium-catalyzed Cross-coupling reactions: Triarylbismuths as Atom-economic Multi-
coupling Organometallic GREEN Reagents for Organic Synthesis.
INDO-US workshop on green chemistry for environments & sustainablE development, Mar 11-13, 2012
HNB Garhwal University, DEHRADUN, INDIA
24. Triarylbismuths as New Generation Organometallic Green Reagents for Cross-coupling Reactions under
Palladium Catalysis
ICCCS-2, Oct 31-Nov 1, 2011
The University of Queensland, AUSTRALIA
23. New Generation Organometallic Reagents and Coupling Reactions: Triarylbismuths as Atom-economic Multi-
coupling Organometallic GREEN Reagents in Organic Synthesis
National symposium on organometallic chemistry and organic synthesis: Highlights and perspectives
(OMCOS-2011) Mar 28-29, 2011
North Eastern Hill University (NEHU), SHILLONG, INDIA
22. New Generation Organometallic Reagents for Coupling Reactions
Conference on Chemistry: Frontiers and Challenges
Department of Chemistry Centenary Celebrations, Mar 5-6, 2011
Aligarh Muslim University, ALIGARH, INDIA
21. Triarylbismuthanes as Atom-efficient Multi-coupling Organometallic Nucleophiles for Carbon-carbon Bond
Formations in Organic Synthesis
11th Eurasia Conference on Chemical Sciences, Oct 6-10, 2010
The Dead Sea, JORDAN
20. New Generation Organometallic Reagents and Coupling Reactions: Triarylbismuths as Atom-economic Multi-
coupling Organometallic GREEN reagents in Organic Synthesis
XIV NOST-Organic Chemistry Conference, Dec 5-8, 2010
Cidade De Goa, GOA, INDIA
19. Triarylbismuthanes as Atom-efficient Sub-stoichiometric Organometallic Reagents for Carbon-carbon
Bonds Formations in Organic Synthesis
Recent trends in Organometallic Compounds & their Industrial Application, OMCA-2009. Feb 26- 28, 2009
18. Recent Advances in Cross-coupling Reactions for Organic Synthesis
Academic staff college, Jan 28, 2008
Banaras Hindu University, VARANASI, INDIA
17. New Atom-efficient Organometallic Reagents for Cross-coupling Reactions in Organic Synthesis
Academic staff college, Jan 28, 2008
Banaras Hindu University, VARANASI, INDIA
16. Organobismuths for C-C Bond Formations in Organic Synthesis
School of Chemistry, Feb 4, 2008
University of Hyderabad, HYDERABAD, INDIA
15. Triarylbismuthanes as Atom-efficient Organometallic Reagents for Carbon-carbon Bond Formations
International Symposium on Advances in Synthetic and Medicinal Chemistry, (ASMC 07), Aug 27-31, 2007
St. Petersburg, RUSSIA
14. Iron(III)-catalyzed Homo- and Cross- Aldol Reaction for the Synthesis of α, β-Unsaturated Enals
International symposium on catalysis and fine chemicals (C & FC), Dec 16-21, 2007
Nanyang Technological University, SINGAPORE
13. Palladium-catalyzed Cross-coupling Reaction of Organobismuth Compounds with Aryl Halides and Triflates
82nd Symposium on organic synthesis, Nov 5-7, 2002
Tokyo, JAPAN
12. Palladium-catalyzed Cross-coupling Reaction of Organobismuth Compounds with Aryl Halides and Triflates
48th Symposium on organometallic chemistry, Sep 18-19, 2001
Yokohama, JAPAN
11. Palladium-catalyzed Cross-coupling Reaction of Organobismuth Compounds with Aryl Halides and Triflates
Post OMCOS-XI symposium- 30 years of the cross-couplings, Jul 27-29, 2001
Kyoto research park, Kyoto, JAPAN
10. Synthesis of Novel Macrocyles Through Pinacolization and Benzoin Condensation
79th Chemical Society of Japan Spring annual meetings, Mar 28-31, 2001
Kanan univeristy, Kobe, JAPAN
9. Reaction of 1,2-Bis(hydrosilyl)benzenes with Group 10 Metal Complexes: Formation of Silylmetal(IV) and Di-
nuclear-µ-silylene Metal Complexes and Si-Si Bond Formation
12th international symposium on organosilicon chemistry, possibilities for the 21st Century,
ISOS-XII, May 23-28, 1999
Sendai International Center, Sendai, JAPAN
9. Cross-coupling Reaction of Organobismuth Alkoxides with Organic Triflates
76th Chemical society of Japan spring annual meetings, March 28-30, 1999
University of Kanagawa, Yokohama, JAPAN
8. Reaction of 1,2-C6H4(SiH3)(SiMe2H) with Nickel and Platinum Complexes
76th Chemical Society of Japan Spring annual meetings, March 28-30, 1999
University of Kanagawa, Yokohama, JAPAN
7. Synthesis and Structure of Organobismuth Alkoxides and Amides: Reaction with Pt(0) Complexes and
Application Towards Organic Synthesis
25th Symposium on Heteroatom Chemistry, Dec 9-11, 1998
Kyoto, JAPAN
6. Novel Reactivity of 1,2-Disilylbenzenes with Nickel Complexes: Isolation of Silylnickel(II), -Nickel(III) and
-Nickel(IV) Complexes and Si-Si Bond Formation
The 26th symposium on silicon based polymers and their applications, Dec 8, 1998
Tokyo, JAPAN
5. Reaction of 1,2-C6H4(SiH3)(SiMe2H) with Nickel Complexes and Si-Si Bond Formation
3rd Symposium of the silicon chemistry society of Japan, Nov 19-20, 1998
Science University of Tokyo (Noda), JAPAN
4. Novel Reactivity of 1,2-Disilylbenzenes with Nickel Complexes: Isolation of Silylnickel(II), -Nickel(III) and -
Nickel(IV) Complexes and Si-Si Bond Formation
The 5th International conference on heteroatom chemistry, Jul 5-10, 1998
The University of Western Ontario, London, CANADA
3. Reaction of 1,2-C6H4(SiH3)(SiMe2H) with Nickel and Platinum Complexes
74th Japanese chemical society annual meetings, Mar 26-28 1998
Doshita University, JAPAN
2. Reaction of 1,2-Bis(hydrosilyl)benzenes with Nickel(O) Complexes
44th Symposium on organometallic chemistry, Sep 20-21, 1997
Kansai University, JAPAN
1. Reaction of 1,2-Disilyl Benzenes with Nickel Complexes. Isolation and Characterizations of Silylnickel (II),
-Nickel(III) and -Nickel(IV) Complexes
2nd Symposium of the silicon chemistry society of Japan, Nov 20-21, 1997
Shiga, JAPAN
Triarylbismuths as Threefold Organometallic Reagents in Organic Synthesis